The disease is too much sitting (sitting disease) is a type of "trend" new for those who have minimal lifestyle or sports activities. Although it seems there is nothing wrong in doing this habit, but a recent study says that when the body is rarely engaged, then the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity also jumped. In January this year, experts from the UK found an association between prolonged sitting with an increased risk of disease. At the adjacent Similarly, researchers from Australia said that every hour we sit in front of the television, could increase 18 percent the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.
Here are a few small things you can do to avoid sitting disease.
Activities other than exercise.
Levine recommends that you do not have time for physical exercise each day to perform physical activities that are not strenuous exercise. This activity he named nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). Included in these activities include: stretching, bending the knees, hips rotate, and others. Try to target yourself doing this activity within ten minutes every hour. What is asked of NEAT is to perform physical activities that you do not need to spend money. It's very good for those who reasonably do not have the money and time to go to the gym. Develop performed jointly with your daily exercise, for example, by speeding the time to step up, do not dwell long on the front of the net, or invite your child around the complex.
Combine sitting and standing.
Sitting for long periods is not healthy for humans, but standing in a long time can cause problems, such as back pain and leg aches or cramps. It would be good to change positions from sitting to standing and vice versa on a regular basis.
Take frequent breaks.
"Most people already know, that if our bodies are not physically active, then the weight scales can be increased, but this is not a strong enough motivation to make a person begins to move," says fitness expert, Fabio Comana, a spokesman for the American Council on Exercise in San Diego. He suggested to begin to motivate themselves with small goals. Try to stretch all parts of the body, especially the muscles often cramp. If you do this stretch 5-6 times per day, you'll feel the difference.
Do not be lazy.
Suppose this is the year before the triumph of the Internet. If you have need a cubicle with colleagues still on the same floor, an occasional visit. Reduce the actual mail delivery can be done while face to face.
Good habits.
Standing uses more muscles and burn more calories than sitting. So, train yourself to stand, when the phone call, for example. Use the stairwell to go up or down several floors, reduce the use of elevators.
15 minutes to 2 hours.
Prolong themselves sitting in the den can make yourself tired, you tend to be sleepy towards the hour home from work. However, when you walk, about 15 minutes in the afternoon, you'll feel more productive in the hours before the home office.
Consider public transportation.
Very dangerous to try to exercise while driving a car or personal vehicle. However, when you use public transportation to work, you can stand, move the muscles of the legs and arms, or down a few yards from the office to run for a moment toward the office. If mass transit is not an option for you, find a parking space far enough so that you can walk a few minutes to the office and from the office to your vehicle.
Watch more television.
Yes, you did not read that, but do not like it. You may watch television in a long time only if you are doing enough physical process in front of him. For example, place the treadmill or stationary bicycle in front of the television. Nothing of this fitness tool? Try to clean up while watching television, for example, clean-up area in front of the television. Do not let yourself down because of too much leisure. Research shows that the longer you watch television, the greater the risk of widening your waistline, and the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease.
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