
Solar Panels on Paper

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created the technology in making solar panels that can be printed on a sheet of paper. This development makes the manufacture of solar panels cheaper and easier.

The solar panel of this paper is quite strong although it has been folded into a toy airplane. In addition, flexible solar panels that can be recharged when exposed to sunlight.

Printing process using steam instead of liquid. The use of a temperature less than 120 degrees Celsius allows the use of paper, plastic, or cloth as a container ordinary solar panels.

Researchers said, "The panel of this paper to be a breakthrough that could reduce production costs in the manufacturing of solar panels. It costs nearly one-thousandth the cost of panels made of glass."

Researchers said, solar cells printed on paper is still in the testing phase, the efficiency is still about 1 percent.

Professor of Electrical Engineering Vladimir Bulovic who participated in the study said, although the efficiency is still very small, this panel has been able to move small appliances. "I am sure in the near future we will refine these flexible solar panels," he said.

source: National Geographic

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