
Amorphophallus titanum corpse flower blooms in the Bogor Botanical Gardens

Amorphophallus titanum corpse flower blooms in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, on Monday (11 / 7) evening. The flower height of 1.9 meters.


Head of the Bogor Botanical Gardens Plant Conservation Mustaid Siregar when meet at Bogor Botanical Gardens  on Tuesday (07/12/2011), said that previously, carrion flower species titanum never grow more than 2 meters high, and some even reach 3 meters.

"Now the challenge is to find the cycle. Usually after the vegetative phase, and then cycle the plants gather energy bulbs for flowering, but sometimes after the tubers back to the vegetative phase," he said.

Flower blossoming into one of the attractions visitors from both domestically and abroad. Some visitors capture the moment it's rare because the corpse flower blooms only once a 3-4 years.

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